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Bates' nursing guide to physical examination and history taking / Beth Hogan-Quigley, DNP, MSN, RN, CRNP., Biobehavioral Health Sciences Department University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mary Louise Palm, MS, RN, Associate Clinical Professor Emerita University of Rhode Island College of Nursing, Kingston, Rhode Island.

by Hogan-Quigley, Beth, author.
Additional authors: Palm, Mary Louise, author.
Edition statement:3rd edition. Published by : Wolters Kluwer, (Philadelphia, PA :) Physical details: xvii, 1050 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm ISBN: 9781975197667. Year: 2022
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Books Books Nursing Library Nursing 616.075 H7147 2022 (Browse shelf) Available N000031
Books Books Nursing Library Nursing 616.075 H7147 2022 (Browse shelf) Available N000032
Books Books Nursing Library Nursing 616.075 H7147 2022 (Browse shelf) Available N000033
Books Books Nursing Library Nursing 616.075 H7147 2022 (Browse shelf) Available N000034
Books Books Nursing Library Nursing 616.075 H7147 2022 (Browse shelf) Available N000035

"Continuing a legacy of excellence that spans nearly five decades, Bates' Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 3rd Edition, adapts the proven techniques and vibrant visuals of Bates' gold-standard assessment text specifically for the needs of today's nursing students. Thoroughly updated, evidence-based coverage emphasizes the healthy patient and clearly details common findings and diseases to help students develop and practice key skills in physical examination and history taking. Content is logically organized by Foundations, Body Systems, and Special Lifespan Considerations, incorporating essential review of anatomy and physiology, as well as critical practice in health history review, recording findings, and health promotion. Reflecting the latest research in the field, including emerging issues such as vaping, the opioid crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic, the 3rd Edition combines trusted approaches with current clinical perspectives to equip your students for success throughout their nursing careers. Ensure a mastery of essential nursing skills and equip students for success throughout the nursing education continuum with thecomplete Bates' Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 3rd Edition solution (available for separate purchase):Lippincott® CoursePoint for Bates' Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 3rd EditionLippincott® CoursePoint for Bates' Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 3rd EditionBates' Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 3rd EditionvSim® for Nursing Provided by publisher

Machine generated contents note: 1. Introduction to Health Assessment and Social Determinants of Health -- Health -- Health Assessment -- Role of the Nurse in Assessment -- 2. Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment in Health Assessment -- Types of Patient Data -- Obtaining Subjective Data -- Nursing Process -- Assessment and Analysis: The Process of Clinical Reasoning -- Identifying Problems and Making Nursing Analyses: Steps in Clinical Reasoning -- Recording Your Findings: The Case of Mrs. N -- Generating the Problem List -- The Challenges of Clinical Data -- Sample Progress Note -- Evaluating Clinical Findings -- Lifelong Learning: Integrating Clinical Reasoning, Assessment, and Analysis of Clinical Evidence -- 3. Interviewing and Communication -- Phases of Interviewing -- Phase 1: Pre-Interview -- Phase 2: Introduction -- Phase 3: Working Phase -- Phase 4: Termination -- Therapeutic Communication Techniques -- Active Listening -- Guided Questioning: Options to Expand and Clarify the Patient's Story -- Nonverbal Communication -- Empathic Responses -- Validation -- Reassurance -- Summarizing -- Transitions -- Empowering the Patient -- Adapting the Interview for Specific Patients -- The Silent Patient -- The Confusing Patient -- The Patient with Altered Capacity -- The Talkative Patient -- The Crying Patient -- The Angry or Disruptive Patient -- The Dying Patient -- The LGBTQIA Patient -- The Interview across a Language Barrier -- The Patient with Low Literacy -- The Patient with Impaired Hearing -- The Patient with Impaired Vision -- The Patient with Cognitive Disabilities -- The Patient with Personal Problems -- Sexuality in the Nurse-Patient Relationship -- Ethics of Interviewing -- 4. The Health History -- Types of Patient Health Histories -- The Comprehensive Adult Health History -- Overview -- Sensitive Topics that Call for Specific Approaches -- The Sexual History -- The Mental Health History -- Family Violence -- Documenting the Health History -- 5. Cultural and Spiritual Assessment -- Culture and Spirituality -- Cultural Assessment -- The Three Dimensions of Cultural Humility -- Self-Awareness -- Respectful Communication -- Collaborative Partnerships -- Transcultural Perspectives on the Health History -- The Health Assessment -- Spiritual Assessment -- 6. Physical Examination: Getting Started -- The Comprehensive Adult Physical Examination -- Beginning the Examination: Setting the Stage -- Making the Patient Comfortable -- The Cardinal Techniques of Examination -- Sequence of Examination -- 7. General Survey Including Vital Signs and Pain -- General Survey -- Apparent State of Health -- Level of Consciousness -- Facial Expression -- Posture, Gait, Motor Activity, and Speech -- Odors of the Body and Breath -- Skin Color and Obvious Lesions -- Dress, Grooming, and Personal Hygiene -- Signs of Distress -- The Vital Signs -- Blood Pressure -- Heart Rate and Rhythm -- Respiratory Rate and Rhythm -- Temperature -- Acute and Chronic Pain -- Assessing Acute and Chronic Pain -- Health Disparities -- Types of Pain -- Pain Management -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Blood Pressure -- Pulse -- Respirations -- Temperature -- 8. Nutrition and Hydration -- Evaluating Nutritional Disorders -- The Health History -- Common or Concerning Symptoms -- Changes in Weight -- Physical Examination -- General Survey -- Height Measurement -- Weight Measurement -- Skin, Hair, and Nails -- Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, and Throat (HEENT) -- Respiratory -- Cardiovascular and Peripheral Vascular -- Gastrointestinal -- Musculoskeletal -- Neurologic -- Calculating the BMI -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Important Topics for Health Promotion and Counseling -- Optimal Weight, Nutrition, and Diet -- Blood Pressure and Diet -- Exercise -- Hydration -- 9. The Integumentary System -- Anatomy and Physiology -- Skin -- Hair -- Nails -- Sebaceous Glands and Sweat Glands -- The Health History -- Past History -- Family History -- Lifestyle and Personal Habits -- Physical Examination -- Skin -- Hair -- Nails -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Risk Factors for Melanoma -- Preventing Skin Cancer -- Skin Cancer Screening -- 10. The Head and Neck -- Anatomy and Physiology of the Head -- Health History of the Head -- Headache -- Traumatic Brain Injury -- Anatomy and Physiology of the Neck -- Great Vessels -- Midline Structures and Thyroid Gland -- Lymph Nodes -- The Health History of the Neck -- Physical Examination -- The Hair -- The Scalp -- The Skull -- The Face -- The Skin -- The Neck -- The Lymph Nodes -- The Trachea and the Thyroid Gland -- The Carotid Arteries and Jugular Veins -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion and Counseling-Prevention of Traumatic Brain Injury -- 11. The Eyes -- Anatomy and Physiology -- Eye Structures -- Visual Pathways -- Pupillary Reactions -- Autonomic Nerve Supply to the Eyes -- Extraocular Movements -- The Health History -- Eye History -- Family History -- Lifestyle Habits -- Physical Examination -- Preparation of the Patient -- Vision Tests -- The External Eye -- Ophthalmoscopic Examination -- Special Techniques -- For Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction -- Recording the Physical Examination of the Eye -- Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Education -- Vision Screening -- Eye Protection -- Care of Contact Lenses -- 12. Ears, Nose, Mouth, and Throat -- The Ear -- The External Ear -- The Middle Ear -- The Inner Ear -- Hearing Pathways -- Equilibrium -- The Health History of the Ears -- Hearing Loss -- Earache -- Discharge -- Vertigo -- Past History -- Family History -- Lifestyle Habits -- The Nose and Paranasal Sinuses -- The Health History of the Nose and Sinuses -- Rhinorrhea -- Congestion -- Change in Sense of Smell -- Past History -- Family History -- Lifestyle Habits -- The Mouth and Pharynx -- The Health History of the Mouth and Pharynx -- Past History -- Family History -- Lifestyle Habits -- Physical Examination of the Ear -- The Pinna (Auricle) -- The Ear Canal and Drum -- Testing Auditory Acuity -- Testing for Conductive versus Neurosensory Hearing Loss: Tuning Fork Tests -- Physical Examination of the Nose -- Physical Examination of the Mouth and Throat -- The Lips -- The Oral Mucosa -- The Gums and Teeth -- The Roof of the Mouth -- The Tongue and the Floor of the Mouth -- The Pharynx -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Education: The Ears -- Hearing Screening -- Hearing Loss -- Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Education: The Mouth and Throat -- 13. The Respiratory System -- Anatomy and Physiology -- Locating Findings on the Chest -- Lungs, Fissures, and Lobes -- Locations on the Chest -- The Trachea and Major Bronchi -- The Pleurae -- Breathing -- The Health History -- Past History -- Family History -- Lifestyle and Personal Habits -- Physical Examination -- Initial Survey of Respiration and the Thorax -- Examination of the Posterior Chest -- Examination of the Anterior Chest -- Special Techniques -- Pulse Oximetry -- Peak Flow Assessment -- Identification of a Fractured Rib -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Tobacco Cessation -- Immunizations -- 14. The Cardiovascular System -- Anatomy and Physiology -- Location of the Heart and Great Vessels -- The Heart Wall -- Cardiac Chambers, Valves, and Circulation -- The Cardiac Cycle -- The Splitting of Heart Sounds -- Heart Murmurs -- Relation of Auscultatory Findings to the Chest Wall -- The Conduction System -- The Heart as a Pump -- Arterial Pulses and Blood Pressure -- Jugular Vein Undulations -- Jugular Venous Pressure -- The Health History -- Assessing Cardiac Symptoms-Overview and Comparison with Baseline Activity Levels -- Past History -- Family History -- Lifestyle Habits -- Physical Examination -- Preparation of the Patient -- Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
Face -- Great Vessels of the Neck -- The Heart -- Peripheral Edema -- Integrating Cardiovascular Assessment -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Profile of Cardiovascular Disease -- Risk Reduction -- Healthy Lifestyles -- 15. The Peripheral Vascular System and Lymphatic System -- Anatomy and Physiology -- Arteries -- Veins -- The Lymphatic System and Lymph Nodes -- Fluid Exchange and the Capillary Bed -- The Health History -- Past History -- Risk Factors -- Family History -- Lifestyle or Health Patterns -- Physical Examination -- Important Areas of Examination -- Arms -- Legs -- Recording Your Findings -- Special Techniques -- Evaluating the Arterial Supply to the Hand -- Evaluating Arterial Supply to the Legs -- Evaluating the Competency of Venous Valves -- Pulsus Alternans -- Paradoxical Pulse -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Important Topics for Health Promotion and Counseling -- 16. The Gastrointestinal and Renal Systems -- Anatomy and Physiology -- The Health History -- Patterns and Mechanisms of Abdominal Pain -- The Gastrointestinal Tract -- The Renal System -- Physical Examination -- The Abdomen -- Assessment for Peritoneal Inflammation -- The Liver -- The Spleen -- The Kidneys -- The Bladder -- The Aorta -- Special Techniques -- Assessing Possible Ascites -- Assessing Possible Appendicitis -- Assessing Possible Acute Cholecystitis
Note continued: Assessing Ventral Hernias -- Assessing a Mass in the Abdominal Wall -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion -- Screening for Alcohol Misuse -- Prevention: Hepatitis A, B, and C -- Screening for Colorectal Cancer -- Urinary Incontinence -- 17. The Breasts and Axillae -- Anatomy and Physiology -- The Female Breast -- The Male Breast -- Lymphatics -- The Health History -- Lump or Mass -- Pain or Discomfort -- Change in Shape -- Discharge -- Edema -- Rashes or Scaling -- Dimpling -- Retraction -- Past History -- Family History -- Lifestyle Habits -- Physical Examination -- The Female Breast -- The Male Breast -- The Axillae -- Special Techniques -- Assessment of Nipple Discharge -- Examination of the Mastectomy or Breast Augmentation Patient -- Self-Awareness and Instructions for the Breast Self-Examination -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Palpable Masses of the Breast and Breast Symptoms -- Assessing the Risk of Breast Cancer -- Selected Risk Factors that Affect Screening Decisions -- Recommendations for Breast Cancer Screening and Chemoprevention -- Counseling about Breast Cancer -- 18. The Musculoskeletal System -- Assessing the Musculoskeletal System -- Joint Structure and Function -- Types of Joint Articulation -- Structure of Synovial Joints -- The Health History -- Low Back Pain -- Neck Pain -- Examination of the Joints -- Examination of the Muscles -- Muscle Bulk -- Muscle Tone -- Muscle Strength -- Temporomandibular Joint -- Overview-Bony Structures and Joints -- Muscle Groups and Additional Structures -- Physical Examination -- The Shoulder -- Overview -- Bony Structures -- Joints -- Muscle Groups -- Additional Structures -- Physical Examination -- The Elbow -- Overview, Bony Structures, and Joints -- Muscle Groups and Additional Structures -- Physical Examination -- The Wrist and Hands -- Bony Structures -- Joints -- Muscle Groups -- Additional Structures -- Physical Examination -- The Spine -- Bony Structures -- Joints -- Muscle Groups -- Physical Examination -- The Hip -- Bony Structures and Joints -- Muscle Groups -- Additional Structures -- Physical Examination -- The Knee -- Bony Structures -- Joints -- Muscle Groups -- Additional Structures -- Physical Examination -- The Ankle and Foot -- Bony Structures and Joints -- Muscle Groups and Additional Structures -- Physical Examination -- Special Techniques: Measuring the Length of Legs -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Nutrition, Exercise, and Weight -- Low Back Pain Prevention -- Preventing Falls -- Osteoporosis -- 19. Mental Status and Mental Health Assessment -- The Health History -- Attention, Mood, and Speech; Insight and Orientation -- Memory Changes -- Medical Symptoms without an Explanation -- Understanding Symptoms -- Physical Examination -- Important Areas of the Mental Status Examination -- Appearance and Behavior -- Speech and Language -- Mood and Affect -- Thought Process and Content -- Perceptions -- Insight and Judgment -- Cognitive Functions -- Higher Cognitive Functions -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- The Mini-Mental State Examination -- Anxiety -- Depression -- Suicide -- Substance Use Disorders, Including Alcohol and Prescription Drugs -- 20. The Nervous System -- Anatomy and Physiology -- The Central Nervous System -- Peripheral Nervous System -- Motor Pathways -- Sensory Pathways -- Spinal Reflexes: The Muscle Stretch and Deep Tendon Reflexes -- The Health History -- Headache -- Dizziness or Vertigo -- Weakness -- Change in or Loss of Sensation -- Near Syncope and Syncope -- Seizures -- Tremors -- Physical Examination -- The Cranial Nerves -- The Motor System -- The Sensory System -- Muscle Stretch Reflexes (Deep Tendon Reflexes) -- Cutaneous or Superficial Stimulation Reflexes -- Further Examination -- Special Techniques -- Assessment of the Unconscious Patient -- Meningeal Signs -- Reducing the Risk of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Stroke Warning Signs -- TIA and Stroke-Secondary Prevention -- 21. Reproductive Systems -- Female Reproductive System -- Anatomy and Physiology -- The Health History -- Menstrual History -- Obstetric History -- Sexual Health -- Physical Examination -- Approach to the Pelvic Examination -- External Examination -- Internal Examination -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Reproductive System Education -- Changes with Menopause -- Cervical Cancer Screening: The Pap Smear and HPV Infection -- Early Prenatal Care -- Options for Family Planning -- Sexually Transmitted Infections -- Male Reproductive System -- Anatomy and Physiology -- Lymphatics -- Anatomy of the Groin -- The Health History -- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity -- Sexual Response -- Penile Discharge or Lesions -- Scrotal Pain or Swelling -- Inguinal Pain or Swelling -- Problems with Urination -- Physical Examination -- The Penis -- The Scrotum and Its Contents -- Hernias -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections -- Testicular Cancer -- Prostate Cancer -- LGBTQIA Health Care -- 22. Putting the Physical Examination All Together -- A Sample of the Sequencing for a Head-to-Toe Assessment -- Patient Seated -- Patient Lying Down -- Patient Seated -- Patient Standing -- Recording Your Findings -- 23. Assessing Children: Infancy through Adolescence -- General Principles of Child Development -- Health Promotion and Counseling: Key Components -- Assessing the Infant -- Development -- The Health History -- Physical Examination of the Infant -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Assessing Young and School-Aged Children -- Development -- The Health History -- Physical Examination of Young and School-Aged Children -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Assessing Adolescents -- Development -- The Health History -- Physical Examination of the Adolescent -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- Recording Your Findings -- 24. Assessing Older Adults -- Anatomy and Physiology -- Vital Signs -- Skin, Nails, and Hair -- Head and Neck -- Thorax and Lungs -- Cardiovascular System -- Peripheral Vascular System -- Breasts and Axillae -- Abdomen -- Genitalia and Reproductive Organs -- Musculoskeletal System -- Mental Status Assessment and Nervous System -- The Health History -- Approach to the Older Adult Patient -- Special Areas of Concern When Assessing Common or Concerning Symptoms -- Functional Assessment -- Activities of Daily Living -- Medications -- Nutrition -- Acute and Persistent Pain -- Sexuality -- Urinary Incontinence -- Smoking and Alcohol -- Physical Examination of the Older Adult -- General Survey -- Vital Signs -- Skin -- Head and Neck -- Thorax and Lungs -- Cardiovascular System -- Breasts and Axillae -- Abdomen -- Peripheral Vascular System -- Female Genitalia -- Male Genitalia -- Musculoskeletal System -- Nervous System and Mental Status -- Recording Your Findings -- Health Promotion and Counseling -- When to Screen -- Vision and Hearing -- Exercise -- Safety, Including Fall Risk Assessment -- Immunizations -- Cancer Screening -- Depression -- Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Cognitive Decline -- Older Adult Mistreatment and Abuse -- Advance Directives and Palliative Care

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