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RedEagle Search

Your search returned 3 results. Subscribe to this search

1. Raspberry Pi robotic projects : create amazing robotic projects on a shoestring budget / by Grimmett, Richard, Publication: . 278 pages : , Includes index Availability: Copies available: Cagayan State University - Carig Library (1),

2. Raspberry Pi robotic blueprints : utilize the powerful ingredients of Raspberry Pi to bring to life amazing robots that can act, draw, and have fun with laser tag / by Grimmett, Richard, Publication: . 198 pages : , Includes index Availability: Copies available: Cagayan State University - Carig Library (1),

3. Intel Galileo essentials : [electronic resource] leverage the power of Intel Galileo to construct amazingly simple, yet impressive projects / by Grimmett, Richard, Publication: . one online resource, 278 pages : , Includes index Availability: Copies available: Cagayan State University - Carig Library (1),

Cagayan State University University Library, Carig Campus
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 | www.csucarig.edu.ph

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