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Assessing Cagayan State University-Carig Campus level of construction sustainability on ISO 15392:2019 [manuscript] / Wendy M. Danao, Apple-Ann M. Figueras, Aian Jay N. Vicente.

by Danao, Wendy M., author.
Physical details: xiii, 64 pages ; Year: 2023
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Item type Location Collection Call number Status Date due Barcode
Academic Research Academic Research Academic Research Section Academic Research Civil 0070 2023 c.1 (Browse shelf) Available Civil00702023C1

Thesis (B.S.) -- Cagayan State University, 2023.
Includes bibliographical references.

The continuous expansion of engineering and construction has prompted a lot of professionals to study and employ sustainability within the field. In line with this, to assist the industry in recognizing and adopting universally recognized principles to achieve sustainability in building and construction, ISO 15392:2019 (ISO Standard for Sustainability) was publicized featuring mainly its three aspects - environmental, social, and economic. Meanwhile, nearly all state university buildings have long been standing before the creation of ISO 15392:2019. Hence, this study aims to know the level of sustainability of CSU-Carig Campus buildings in accordance with ISO 15392:2019. Survey questionnaires were distributed both online and through pen-and-paper method among the 624 target occupants, the Campus Infrastructure Office and to the two registered civil engineers. In the survey, respondents were asked questions about the buildings' level of sustainability that were adapted from the SAHSBPT tool of Saraiva et. al. (2019). Weighted means and percentages were calculated to determine the level of sustainability of the buildings in the three aspects of the ISO 15392:2019. In addition, univariate analysis specifically Regression and Correlation were used to determine the relationship between the level of sustainability of buildings and their floor area, t-test-two-sample assuming unequal variances were used to determine if there is a specific difference in the sustainability of buildings when grouped according to their year of turnover, and One-Way ANOVA and Correlation were performed to determine the relationship between the social aspect of sustainability to its economic aspect, social aspect to environmental aspect, and environmental aspect to economic aspect. It is found that the level of sustainability of the campus buildings was of high level with an average rating of 75.27% environmentally, 71.07% socially, and 83.33% economically. On univariate analysis, floor area and year of turnover did not show any significant association with the level of sustainability of the buildings. However, there is a moderate positive relationship between the social aspect and economic aspect as well as between social aspect and environmental aspect with an r value equal to 0.64115 and 0.52306 respectively. Also, there is a weak positive relationship between the environmental and economic aspect with an r value of 0.32496.

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