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Encyclopedia of American journalism [electronic resource] /

Additional authors: Vaughn, Stephen,
Published by : Routledge, (New York :) Physical details: one online resource, 663 pages : illustrations. ISBN: 9780415969505. Year: 2008
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Abbott, Robert S. -- ABC News -- Abolitionist Press -- Abrams v. United States (1919) -- Adams, Samuel Hopkins -- Advertising -- Agee, James -- Agricultural Journalism -- Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798 -- Alternative Press -- American Revolution -- American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE) -- Annenberg, Walter -- Anthony, Susan B. -- AOL Time Warner -- Archives and Newspapers -- Archiving and Preservation -- Arizona Republic -- Armed Forces Media -- Army-McCarthy Hearings -- Asian American Journalists and Press -- Associated Press -- Atlanta Journal-Constitution -- Atlantic Monthly -- Baker, Ray Stannard -- Barton, Bruce -- Baseball Journalism -- Bennett, James Gordon -- Berger, Victor -- Birney, James Gillespie -- Black Press -- Bleyer, Willard Grosvenor -- Blogs -- Bloomberg, Michael -- Bly, Nellie (aka Elizabeth Cochrane) -- Boston Globe -- Boston News-Letter -- Bourke-White, Margaret -- Bourne, Randolph Silliman -- Boxing Journalism -- Bradford, William -- Bradlee, Benjamin -- Brinkley, David -- Brisbane, Arthur -- Brokaw, Tom -- Brooklyn Daily Eagle -- Broun, Heywood Campbell -- Business and Financial Reporting -- Cable News Network (CNN) -- Cahan, Abraham -- Cameras in the Courtroom -- Capote, Truman -- Carter, William Hodding, Jr. -- CBS News -- Censorship -- Century -- Chadwick, Henry (Bruce) -- Chancellor, John -- Chicago Daily News -- Chicago Sun-Times -- Chicago Tribune -- Childs, Marquis W. -- Chinese American Press -- Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) -- Christian Science Monitor -- Citizen Reporters -- Classical Music Criticism -- Clear and Present Danger -- Cobbett, William -- Colonial Press -- Columnists -- Committee on Public Information -- Communist Press -- Comstock Law -- Conde Nast Publications -- Consumer Reports -- Copyright and Photography -- Copyright, The Legal Issues of -- Cosmopolitan -- Cox, James M. and Cox Enterprises, Inc. -- Credibility Gap -- Croly, Jane Cunningham ("Jennie June") -- Cronkite, Walter L., Jr. -- Crowther, Bosley -- C-Span -- Dallas Morning News -- Dana, Charles A. -- Davis, Elmer -- Day, Benjamin -- Day, Dorothy May -- Denver Post -- Detroit Free Press -- Detroit News -- Digital Information Technologies -- Digital Photography -- Dix, Dorothy -- Dorr, Rheta Childe -- Douglass, Frederick -- Dow Jones & Company -- Drudge Report -- Edes, Benjamin -- El Diario/La Prensa -- El Nuevo Herald -- Entertainment Press -- Espionage Act of 1917 -- Ethics -- Ethnic/Immigrant Press -- Fairness Doctrine -- Federal Communications Commission (FCC) -- Feminist Journalism -- First Amendment Cases -- First Ladies -- Fleet, Thomas -- Football Journalism -- Forbes -- Forum -- Fox News -- Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper -- Franklin, Benjamin -- Freedom of Information Act -- Freedom's Journal -- Frontier Press -- Frontline -- Gale, Zona -- Gallico, Paul -- Gannett Center for Media Studies -- Gannett, Frank -- Garrison, William Lloyd -- German-Language Press in America, 1732-1945 -- Gitlow v. New York, 1925 -- Goddard, Mary Katherine -- Godey's Lady's Book -- Godkin, E.L. -- Graham, Katharine -- Greeley, Horace -- Gulf War I -- Hagerty, James C. -- Halberstam, David -- Hapgood, Hutchins -- Hearst, William Randolph -- Heatter, Gabriel -- Hemingway, Ernest -- Higgins, Marguerite -- Humor -- Huntley, Chet -- Huntley-Brinkley Report -- Hutchins Commission Report -- Indianapolis Star -- Interpretative Reporting -- Inverted Pyramid -- Investigative Journalism -- Japanese American Press -- Jefferson, Thomas -- Jennings, Peter -- Jewish Press in America -- Johnson, Lyndon and the Media -- Journal of Occurrences -- Kaltenborn, Hans V. -- Kansas City Star -- Kendall, Amos -- Kennedy, John F. and the Media -- Kennedy, John F. Assassination -- Knox, Frank -- Korean War -- Kupcinet, Irv -- Labor Press -- Ladies' Home Journal -- Lange, Dorothea -- Lardner, Ring -- Latino Press -- Lawson, Victor Fremont -- Lee, Ivy Ledbetter -- Legislative Branch Reporting : The Congress -- Lehrer, Jim -- Lerner, Max -- Libel -- Licensing -- Liebling, A.J. -- Lippmann, Walter -- Literary Journalism -- Lloyd, Henry Demarest -- Local News -- Los Angeles Times -- MacNeil, Robert -- Magazine Publishers -- Magazines, Men's -- Magazines, News -- Manchester Union-Leader -- Maps and the News -- March of Time -- Markham, Edwin -- Masses, The -- McClure's Magazine -- McCormick, Robert Rutherford -- McNamee, Graham -- Medill, Joseph Maharry -- Meet the Press -- Mencken, H.L. (Henry Louis) -- Meyer, Eugene -- Milwaukee Journal -- Moody, Dwight Lyman -- Mother Jones -- Motion Pictures -- Moyers, Bill -- Ms. Magazine -- Muckraking -- Murdoch, Rupert -- Murray, James -- Murrow and the McCarthy Era, Edward R. -- Nation, The -- National Association of Black Journalists -- National Intelligencer -- National Observer -- National Police Gazette -- National Public Radio -- Native American Journalism -- NBC News -- Near v. Minnesota, 1931 -- Neoconservative Journalists -- Neuharth, Allen H. -- New England Courant -- New Republic -- New York Daily News -- New York Herald -- New York Magazine -- New York Post -- New York Sun -- New York Times -- New York Times v. Sullivan, 1964 -- New York Times v. U.S., 1971 -- New York Tribune -- New York World -- New Yorker -- Newhouse Publishing -- Newhouse, Samuel I. -- Newhouse, Samuel I., Jr. -- News Anchors -- News and Terrorism -- Newspaper Groups -- Newspaper Publicity Act of 1912 -- Newspaper Readers -- Newsreels -- Newsweek -- Nieman, Lucius W. -- Nightline -- Niles' Weekly Register -- Obituaries -- Objectivity in Reporting -- Ochs, Adolph Simon -- Office of Censorship -- Office of War Information -- Op-Ed Page -- O'Sullivan, John L. -- Pacifica News -- Pacifist Press -- Paine, Thomas -- Pamphlets -- Patterson, Joseph Medill -- Pearson, Andrew Russell ("Drew") -- Philadelphia Inquirer -- Phillips, David Graham -- Photojournalism -- Pinkham, Lydia -- Pittsburgh Courier -- Playboy -- PM -- Polk Awards, George -- Popular Music Criticism -- Populist Era -- Pornography -- Post, Emily Price -- Postal Acts, 1792, 1845, 1879 -- Presidency and the Press : McKinley to Wilson -- Presidency and the Press : Harding to Hoover -- Presidency and the Press : Roosevelt and Truman -- Presidency and the Press : Dwight D. Eisenhower -- Presidency and the Press : Nixon to Carter -- Presidency and the Press : Reagan to George W. Bush -- Presidential Records Act of 1978 -- Price, Byron -- Printers' Ink -- Prior Restraint -- Progressive Era -- Progressive, The -- Propaganda -- Public Relations and Journalists -- Pulitzer, Joseph -- Pulliam, Eugene C. -- Radio -- Radio Act of 1927 -- Rather, Dan -- Raymond, Henry Jarvis -- Reading Notices -- Reconstruction Press -- Reform Journalism -- Religion and the Press -- Reston, James Barrett ("Scotty") -- Reuters -- Rice, Grantland -- Riis, Jacob -- Robinson-Jewett Murder -- Rocky Mountain News -- Rogers, Will -- Rolling Stone Magazine -- Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor -- Russell, Charles Edward -- Said, Edward -- Salisbury, Harrison E. -- Salon.com -- Sanger, Margaret Huggins -- Satellite Technology -- Saturday Evening Post -- Schenck v. U.S., 1919 -- Schorr, Daniel -- Science and Technology Reporting -- Scientific American -- Scopes Trial -- Scripps, E.W. -- Scripps-Howard -- Sengstacke, John H. -- Sevareid, Eric -- Sinclair, Upton -- Smith, Howard K. -- Smith, Walter Wellesley ("Red") -- Socialist Press -- Society of Professional Journalists -- Society Reporting -- Sociology -- Sources of Information for Journalists -- Space Coverage -- Spanish-American War and the Press -- Sporting News -- Sports Broadcasting -- Sports Illustrated -- St. Louis Globe Democrat -- St. Louis Post-Dispatch -- Stanley, Henry M. -- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady -- Stars and Stripes -- Steffens, Joseph Lincoln -- Stone, Lucy -- Stone, Melville E. -- Stryker, Roy -- Student Journalism -- Suburban Newspapers -- Sunday Supplements -- Swing, Raymond Gram -- Swisshelm, Jane Grey -- Swope, Herbert Bayard -- Tappan, Arthur -- Tappan, Lewis -- Tarbell, Ida Minerva -- Technology, New -- Telecommunications Act of 1996 -- Telegraph -- Temperance Press -- Terrorism -- The News Hour -- Theatre and Performance Criticism -- Thomas, Helen -- Thomas, Isaiah -- Thompson, Hunter S. -- Thurber, James Grover -- Time Magazine -- Timothy, Elizabeth -- Today Show -- Travel Journalism -- Truth-in-Advertising -- Turner, George Kibbe -- Turner, Ted -- TV Guide -- U.S. Information Agency -- U.S. News & World Report -- Underground Press -- United Press International (UPI) -- USA Today -- Vanderbilt Television News Archives -- Vanity Fair -- Videotape -- Vietnam War -- Voice of America -- Wall Street Journal -- Wallace's Farmer -- War of 1812 -- Washington Post -- Washington, Booker Tall Ferro -- Watergate -- Watterson, Henry -- Weekly Reader -- White, Sallie Joy -- Will, George F. -- Winchell, Walter -- Wolfe, Tom -- Woman Suffrage Press -- Women Journalists -- Women Journalists, African American -- Women's Magazines -- Women's National Press Club -- Women's Pages -- Women's Press Organizations -- Woodward, Bob -- Yellow Journalism -- Youth Television News -- Youth's Companion -- Zenger, John Peter

Contains 405 alphabetically arranged articles that provide information on American journalism, covering journalists, associations and organizations, practices, legislation, technologies, and other related topics

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