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Tolstoy, Aleksei, author.

The gigantic turnip / Aleksei Tolstoy. - Changchun, China : Jilin Publishing Group, [2018?]. - 24 pages : color illustrations ; 21 cm.

The Gigantic Turnip is adapted from a fairy tale written by Aleksei Tolstoy, a famous writer of 20% century Russia. It tells the story of a Grandfather who tried to pull up a huge turnip. It was so big and heavy that he couldn't pull it out at all. Grandmother came to help, but they still couldn't pull it up. Their granddaughter came to help them, but still the turnip wouldn't move. Then they asked Doggy to join them, however, the big turnip still sat firmly rooted there. Another friend, Cat, came over. Five of them started to pull the turnip together, but failed miserably. Rat and Ant joined them and, with great effort, the turnip finally came out.

The story tells us that one person's ability is limited, but when everybody works together, even the most difficult of tasks can be accomplished.


Tales -- Russia.
Turnips -- Juvenile fiction.
Cooperativeness -- Juvenile fiction.

398.2 / T654 2018

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