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Yates, Jean

English conversation [electronic resource] / - New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012. - 1 online resource, vii, 165 pages ; 28 cm. - Practice makes perfect Practice makes perfect (McGraw-Hill Companies) .

Introducing yourself and others -- Expressing opinions, likes, and dislikes -- Describing people, places, and things -- Striking up a conversation -- Making dates and appointments -- Expressing wants and needs -- Making requests and offers -- Expressing doubts and uncertainty -- Talking about future events -- Making a case or arguing a point -- Narrating a story -- Retelling a conversation -- Electronic conversation -- Appendix A: Irregular past tense and past participle forms -- Appendix B: Short tag questions and answers -- Appendix C: Glossary -- Answer key.

Includes index.

English language--Conversation and phrase books.
English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.


Cagayan State University University Library, Carig Campus
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 | www.csucarig.edu.ph

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