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Malik, D. S.

C++ programming : [electronic resource] from problem analysis to program design / - Fifth edition. - Boston, MA : Course Technology, 2011. - one online resource,1392 pages ; illustration ;

Includes index.

An overview of computers and programming languages -- Basic elements of C++ -- Input/Output -- Control structures I (selection) -- Control structures II (repetition) -- User-defined functions I -- User defined functions II -- User-Defined simple data types, namespaces, and the string type -- Arrays ad strings -- Applications of arrays (searching and sorting) and the vector type -- Records (structs) -- Classes and data abstraction Inheritance and composition -- Pointers, classes, virtual functions, and abstract classes -- Overloading and templates -- Exception handling -- Recursion -- Linked lists -- Stacks and queues.

C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design remains the definitive text for CS1 courses. In this new fifth edition, author D.S. Malik continues to employ his student-focused, example-based methodology to teach C++ Programming to introductory computing students. Changes to this edition include new debugging sections in each chapter and a multitude of new and updated exercises. All syntax is explained thoroughly and reinforced through extensive examples and diagrams. Each chapter is full of helpful self-study tools, such as complete programming examples. C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design will motivate to students to understand the "why?" behind key C++ concepts. - Publisher.


C++ (Computer program language)
Object-oriented programming (Computer science)


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