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Developmental-behavioral pediatrics [electronic resource] / - Fourth edition - Philadelphia, PA : Saunders/Elsevier, c2009 - 1 online resource, xviii, 1,042 pages : illustration;

Includes bibliographical references and index

The history of developmental-bahavioral pediatrics -- Pregnancy, birth, and the first days of life -- Infancy and toddler years -- Preschool years -- Middle childhood -- Adolescence -- Normal individual differences in temperament and behavioral adjustment -- Influences of experience in the environment on human development and behavior -- Variations in family composition -- Family function and dysfunction -- Brothers and sisters -- Separation, divorce, and remarriage -- Adoption and foster family care -- Critical family events -- Peers -- Childcare -- Schools as milieu -- Neighborhood and community -- Culture and ethnicity -- Media -- Disasters, war, and terrorism -- Biomedical basis of development and behavior -- Nervous system disorders -- Chromosomal disorders and fragile X syndrome -- Down syndrome: care of the child and family -- Genetic syndromes and dysmorphology -- Neurodevelopmental consequences of preterm birth: causes, assessment, and management -- Human immunodeficiency virus infection in children -- Nutrition assessment and support -- Inborn errors of metabolism -- Toxins -- Acute minor illness -- Hospitalization, surgery, and medical and dental procedures -- Early health crises and vulnerable children -- Chronic health conditions -- Palliative and end of life care for children and families -- After the death of a child: helping bereaved parents and brothers and sisters -- The spectrum of social cognition -- Oppositional behavior/noncompliance -- Aggression, violence, and delinquency -- Social withdrawal and isolation -- Adjustment and adjustment disorders -- Sexuality: its development and direction -- Self-concept -- Substance use, abuse, and dependence and other risk-taking behaviors -- Self-control and self-regulation: normal development to clinical conditions -- Major disturbances of emotion and mood -- Schizophrenia, phobias, and obsessive-compulsive disorder -- Behavioral challenges and mental disorders in children and adolescents with intellectual disability -- Coping strategies -- School achievement and underachievement -- The gifted child -- Adaptation and maladaptation to school -- Attention and deficits of attention -- Differences in learning and neurodevelopmental function in school-age children --
Recurrent and chronic pain -- "Colic": prolonged or excessive crying in young infants -- Common issues in feeding -- Disordered eating behaviors: anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa -- Failure-to-thrive -- Child and adolescent obesity -- Urinary function and enuresis -- Bowel function, toileting, and encopresis -- Sleep and sleep disorders in children -- Repetitive behaviors and tics -- Motor development and dysfunction -- Cerebral palsy -- Intellectual disability -- Autism and related disorders -- Hearing impairment -- Blindness and visual impairment -- Language and speech disorders -- Other sensory problems -- Children with multiple disabilities and special health care needs -- Interviewing: a critical skill -- The laying on hands: the physical examination in developmental and behavioral assessment -- General principles of psychological testing -- Assessment of behavioral adjustment and behavioral style -- Development screening and assessment: infants, toddlers, and preschoolers -- Developmental assessment of the school-age child -- Assessment of intelligence -- Educational assessment -- Neuropsychological assessment of the developing child -- Diagnostic methods for disorders of the central nervous system -- Comprehensive formulation of assessment -- Pediatric counseling -- Behavior management -- Crisis management -- Psychotherapy with children and adolescents -- Child and adolescent psychopharmacology -- Pediatric self-regulation -- Early intervention services -- Special education services -- The arts therapies -- Alternative therapies -- Transition to adulthood for youth with developmental disabilities -- Legal issues -- Legislation for the education of children with disabilities -- Health care systems -- Ethics -- The right to be different


Pediatrics -- Psychological aspects.
Child development.
Child psychology.
Child development deviations.
Pediatric neuropsychiatry.
Child Development.
Child Behavior Disorders.
Child Behavior.
Developmental Disabilities.


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